Unfiltered is a new small group that will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00am beginning January 5th. The lessons will be on putting the Bible into its historical and cultural context beginning with a study of Genesis 1 and the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. This small group is being led by our very own Mark Rauch, a recent grad of Ohio Christian University!

Prayer at RiverSong Church
PRAYER We will meet on the first Sunday of the month at 5 p.m. and Tuesdays at 9 a.m. to pray for our country, leaders, families and any other needs you may have while giving praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father.

Bros Breakfast
Come to RiverSong Saturday at 8am, hungry for a delicious breakfast and a powerful time of ministry to one another. See Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Calling all students 13-18 years old! The youth group will be going on a hiking trip to Glen Helen on Saturday, April 12th. We will meet at the church at 2pm. Students will text parents once they are done and let them know the pickup time. If you have any questions, please see Rob McPherson.

SEDER MEAL • Tuesday, April 15th at 6pm
Our annual Seder meal is coming up at RSC on Tuesday, April 15th at 6pm. As Christians, we want to deliberately pass our faith from one generation to the next, and celebrating the Seder (Passover) meal is one excellent way to do this. We want to encourage parents and grandparents alike to join us in preparing and experiencing this wonderful event. This is a Jewish ceremony that focuses on the children – our next generation. You can register to attend online by clicking on the photo above or here. See Pastor Mike if you have any questions.

Tenebrae Service • Friday, April 18th at 7pm
What is Tenebrae? The word Tenebrae is Latin for “shadows” or “darkness”. The Tenebrae Service is an ancient tradition in Christian history that generally is celebrated on Good Friday. The purpose is to reflect on the somber events that occurred in Jesus’ life from the exuberant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday through the night of Jesus’ burial on Good Friday. It is a powerful remembrance to prepare our hearts for the glory of Resurrection Sunday. Mark your calendars for the this very special service for Friday, April 18th at 7pm.

Mark those calendars! Youth camp (for ages 13-18) will be happening from June 25th-28th at Woodland Lakes Christian Camp and Retreat Center in Amelia, Oh. Early bird registration is $200 and ends on April 14th. After that the cost will be $220. More information to come. Please see Rob or Becca McPherson if you have any questions.

Mark your calendars as we storm heaven and bring down strongholds over our city every Monday at 6:00 pm. We will meet in front of the COhatch. See you there!

The LifeWise Clark-Shawnee Board, Director and Staff are honored and blessed to be able to provide offsite Bible-based character education to the 1st through 3rd grades of Clark-Shawnee Elementary School beginning this fall for the 2023-24

We now have Care Portal set up so you can give to this incredible ministry. If you would like to give, click on GIVE and go to the drop down menu and click on Care Portal. We are looking forward to reaching out to our community and showing the love of Christ.

Kroger Community Rewards
If you haven’t already, be sure to sign-up for Kroger Community Rewards before the holiday’s! Here’s how to enroll:
• Visit https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
• Sign-in to your online account or create one
• Find and select RiverSong Church using our ID Number (BV349); Cincinnati District and click “Enroll”
• Your purchases will begin earning funds for RSC right away! It’s that simple and doesn’t cost anything!

Why get baptized? It must first come out of a desire to obey Jesus and a passion to be unashamedly identified with Him. “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38). The Christian faith has never been designed to be private. It is designed to be declared and lived out in public. Baptism is a declaration that your old sin nature is dead and you are now living in resurrection life and power through Jesus Christ. Call the church office at (937) 322-9673 or see Pastor Jim/Mike if you are interested in getting baptized or pick up a brochure on the back table for more information.

Living the 99
WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR TESTIMONIES of what God is doing in and through your life throughout the week. EVERY testimony is VALUABLE! Let us know if you have a testimony by emailing us at info@riversongchurch.com.

You were seen
Have you ever seen someone that you would like to share the gospel with, but didn’t have the time or opportunity? There is an amazing way you can do that. The “You Were Seen” movement is about really seeing people and helping those same people know they are seen by God every day. This movement is about being generous every time you leave the house. If you do that, The “You Were Seen” movement might not only change a life. It might change the world! Please go to YOUWERESEEN.COM to find out what it’s all about and pick up a pack of cards today at RSC.

We are communicating through text via Flocknote! If we have your cell phone number you should have received a few text messages from RiverSong. If not, and you would like to be added to text messaging from RSC, please provide your cell number and email. You can sign up yourself by going to https://RiversongChurch.flocknote.com/everyone.

Communication Update
Our world is changing and we are learning how to better communicate with our church family. We are starting to post videos to Facebook daily with words of encouragement, worship, teaching etc. (they are anywhere from 2–3 minutes long). Be sure to check them out and like, share, and comment! Let’s expand our borders!